Healthy Rips Vaporizers


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

LETTER: Decline in discipline leads to rise in school suspensions

Reading that the Hamilton-Wentworth District school Board suspended 3,573 students for bad behaviour reminded me of what happened when I was in primary school many, many decades ago.
I  repeated a swear word in class that I had heard on the playground earlier during recess. What I thought was a funny word wasn't funny to the teacher and I was sent to the principal's office to get what I deserved.
Two slaps on each palm with a leather strap the principal used to punish bad behaviour.
Corporal punishment hurt, but I got the message loud and clear that swearing was wrong.
Fast forward to today, where discipline and good behaviour seem lost in school, where bullying and violence are rampant.
Not hard to figure out why.

Mark-Alan Whittle
Hamilton Mountain

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